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Texoma Senior Men's Golf

TSMGT was formed in 2001 by Preston Jameson. He ran it until 2006 when he turned it over to Ed Tigrett who had joined the tour in 2002. Ed ran it until May of 2014 when he handed it over to John Moore who joined the tour in 2007. John Moore ran it until 2017 when he handed it over to John Andrews who joined the tour in 2014 and continues to manage it at present. Preston got it started and Ed took it over and built it to what it is today. The tour was originated in the Wichita Falls, TX area and has branched out as far North as Marlow, OK, as far East as the Lake Texoma area.
To join the tour you must have had your 50th birthday. You will be required to pay a $20.00 annual membership fee at the first tournament you enter and an entry fee at each tournament you play, the amount varies by course. You must be a seasoned golfer and have a good general knowledge of and a healthy respect for the USGA rules of golf. You must also possess a desire to enter into friendly competition with likeminded players of your own skill level. Most of our players have been on the tour many years and are very even tempered and easy to get along with and we would expect the same of you. Any disputes should be brought to and decided by the director.
We play on Tuesdays, except on a couple of our courses we play on Mondays (4 or 5 dates a year). The cutoff time for entering a tournament is noon the day before. If you are allowed to enter after that you won t be guaranteed to play in your handicap bracket. Our normal tee time is 9:00 am. We also have a 1:00 pm tee time except on our Monday tournaments. You are asked to be at the course and checked in at least 30 minutes before tee time. You will be paired according to handicap. If you ask to be paired with a certain player that player must be within seven strokes of your handicap, however, there is no guarantee any such request will be honored. Every effort will be made to do so but sometimes it just isn t possible. Flights are also determined by handicap. Usually there are 10 and no more than 15 in a flight. Five places will be paid in each flight. 1st, $25; 2nd, $20; 3rd, $15; 4th, $10; and 5th, $5. Ties will be decided by a scorecard playoff beginning with Hole #1. The winnings will accrue throughout the year and will be paid at the end of season in October. We have payouts but we play for the love of golf and the thrill of friendly competition with good people. If winning a lot of money is your driving force you probably won t enjoy our tour.
On the tee box we play ready golf . Pace of play is of great importance on our tour and every effort should be made to keep your group moving. If you feel you should hit first you need to be ready. Also, all players will play the senior tee boxes if the course has such tees designated, (80+) will have option to move one tee box forward if course allows. If not, all players will play the regular men s tees. The same applies in the fairway. Common sense dictates the order of play there. Don t hit the same time as another player unless he is far enough away that it won t interfere with his play. We putt everything out, no gimmies. We play the ball up . You are allowed to move your ball 1 club length no closer to the hole - unless you are in a hazard, then the rules of golf apply. Hazards are usually marked but if there is any doubt, confer with your playing partners. If your ball is thought to have gone out of bounds you can choose to hit a provisional ball or elect to use the "Out of Bounds" rules added to the USGA rules of golf in 2019. If not you will lose stroke and distance and must return to the original position to re-hit. If your ball is deemed to be lost you must take a stroke and drop close to the point last seen. That does not mean you can take it to the middle of the fairway to drop it. Again, confer with your playing partners if there is any doubt. If your ball ends up in a sand bunker on any course and you think the bunker is unplayable confer with you playing partners and if all are in agreement take a free drop out of it, no closer to the hole. On and around the green we have a triple bogey rule. If your next stroke is for triple bogey pick it up and declare that to the scorer. Otherwise follow the regular rules of golf on and around the green. Concerning the end of the year tournament, you must be an active member of the Texoma Senior Men's Golf Tour and you must complete 5 full rounds by years end to be eligible for the championship tournament prize fund. The 5 full rounds may include the two end of year tournament rounds. This is just a quick overview of our adjustments and something could have been missed. If there is ever any doubt on any of our adjustments and/or rules, always confer with your playing partners and if then a consensus cannot be reached, call the director.
Scorecards are furnished by the tour. The first name on the card is deemed by the director as the scorekeeper. The designated scorekeeper can pass it on to someone else if he chooses. Each card should be kept neat and legible. Each player has a right to inspect the card before it is turned in to make sure his score is correct and each holes score is legible and the totals are correct. It is suggested that the score of each player in the group be kept in each cart and compared after the round with the scorekeeper to insure accuracy.
I hope all our players enjoy being on our tour and if you are looking at us to join you are welcome to give us a try. When I took this tour over I pledged to keep it going as Ed Tigrett built it up to be and will endeavor to do that as long as I am able to be a part of it. As always, your questions and comments are always welcome.
John Andrews, Director
Texoma Senior Men s Golf Tour